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Fireworks Cue Sheet Template
Here are a couple of cue sheet templates that were created using Microsoft Excel and can be used at most of your fireworks displays.
Generic Cue Sheet
Pyrodigital Cue Sheet by Shot
Pyrodigital Cue Sheet by Address
Mortar Box Layout Template
This fireworks mortar box layout template was created using Microsoft Word. It is easily editable and allows you to arrange different-sized aerial mortars in as many sandboxes as you require. It is currently set for shell sizes ranging from 3″ to 5″ but can accommodate larger guns by using larger circles or a different color. Having a layout like this complete before you arrive on-site the day of the show will make your setup go an order of magnitude faster since there will be no confusion about what is supposed to go where.
Firing Site Layout Template
This is a high-level overview of the placement of all of your mortar racks, sandboxes, cakes, and the direction to the audience.
Site Layout Template for mortar boxes, racks grouped for finale, and cakes
Site Layout Template for racks in the main show and finale racks groups
Site Layout Template that uses racks, cakes, and single large mortars
Pinboard Grounding Map
This printable diagram shows the proper way to redundantly ground your pinboard firing system.