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What a Pyrotechnic Operator Needs to Know
This portion of our training program is intended to prepare you to become a pyrotechnician with the required knowledge needed prior to obtaining a Pyrotechnics License. This section assumes you have completed all of the material in the Basics of Fireworks section of our fireworks training program. Be sure to read each section and watch all videos.
Using Electrical Firing Systems
Everything you need to know about the most commonly used analog electrical firing systems, their setup, debugging, and use.
Pyro Operator License Requirements
Here we discuss the legal requirements for becoming a licensed pyrotechnic operator in California and associated responsibilities.
Pre-Production Meetings
Overview of the various pre-production meetings that a licensed operator should have before a show and a list of discussion topics for each meeting.
Fireworks Show Paperwork
Learn how to read and fill out all of the paperwork associated with a professional display.
Different Types of Explosives
Learn the difference between low explosives and high explosives along with the Department of Transportation Explosive Designation categories, what to consider when checking your truck, and how to repackage live fireworks for transport.