Online Pyrotechnics Training

Pyrotechnician Training

Our online pyrotechnics course is for everyone from first-timers to experienced pyrotechnic operators.  Train your new fireworks crew or advance your own knowledge.  Taking you through the basics all the way to the science behind how fireworks work. This training does not substitute supervised hands-on training conducted by a licensed pyrotechnic operator, nor does it provide certification to legally purchase or use fireworks.  Learn what its like to become a pyrotechnician and what it takes to get your pyrotechnic license in CA or a pyro license in other states.

Want to become a pyrotechnician? Then join our fireworks display crew!

Your first fireworks show job

1 – What to Know Your First Show

This section covers everything you need to know before working your first show.  It includes safety & required tools, the basics of fireworks display setup, and an intro to electrical firing.

pyrotechnic operator fireworks show

2 – Licensed Pyrotechnic Operator

Here we go beyond the basics, covering everything you should know before getting your pyrotechnic operator’s license. We comprehensively cover show setup, electrical firing and debugging, and administrative / logistical aspects of a fireworks production.

advanced pyrotechnics

3 – Advanced Pyro Knowledge

Here we go into more advanced pyrotechnic concepts, such as the science behind various pyrotechnics effects, computer firing systems, and more complicated fireworks effects.